As part of our modernised stakeholder engagement arrangements, the Board recently approved the development of a Stakeholder Advisory Body (which user groups can feed into) and the establishment of a Stakeholder Annual General Meeting (AGM) in which to present the annual report and accounts and respond to questions.
Unfortunately, after developing shortlisting criteria for the new Stakeholder Advisory Body and advertising for recruitment, the impact of COVID 19 meant that the Member selection process had to be put on hold as we are unable to shortlist and interview. In addition, we are unable to hold the inaugural Stakeholder AGM which was scheduled to take place on 30 July 2020 due to the ban on public gatherings.
The Annual Report and Accounts will still be produced and published on our website to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to review the work of the Harbour Board and ask questions through email. The Stakeholder AGM will be rescheduled if and when circumstances permit and recruitment to the Stakeholder Advisory Body will recommence once Government restrictions are lifted.